Sunday, July 24, 2011


You look at yourself, and the choices you've made and wonder: who have I become?

And is any of this real?

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I've let go of a lot of beliefs over the years, and I am content with my choice to leave most of them behind. Some though, I just can't desert because they make up such a huge part of my understanding of how to function as a person in this world, even if I sound crazy talking about it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

things kids say

"Abby feels like a pig."

"What do you mean?"

"She was born in a pig. I was born in a dog."

"My doctor said I'm not getting enough calcium since I stopped eating cereal, so I need a constant supply of milk at night."

"My dad made his world famous chili, and by world famous, I mean world famous. And well, by that I mean it could be."

"I'm looking for a princess to marry, would you want to marry me?"

"We can meet later, I'm busy now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I have to get busy now."

"I've asked all the princesses and no one wants to marry me. I guess I'll get my horse and go live by the river."

"Go back home and cry."

"I wish I wasn't a spider."

"But you're not a spider."

"If I was I wish I wasn't a spider."

"You have a best friend? Just like I have a best friend? Oh, that's very nice Kai. We could be sisters."

"You're my dad and you growed up to be a real princess."

"They call her a toy poodle, but she's really a real dog."

Guessing game with a 2-year-old (and her 4-year-old sister):

Me: I'm thinking of something that is black and white.

2-year-old: Blue!

Me: No, not blue. Can you think of something that has the colors black and white?

2-year-old: Yellow!

Me: Not yellow.

2-year-old: I give up.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wondering about something...

Why do Prius owners drive so slow?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Just doing my thing and feeling insecure about it.

(and trying to fit myself into a category)

Sunday, July 3, 2011